Finding Love At Sea

"In the beginning, your love story started from a unique place. It’s not every day you find your true love in the eyes of a coworker whilst aboard a naval ship in the middle of a deployment. And although Monique’s beauty and loyalty did catch the eye of Amber, it was love at first sight for Monique, growing to love the ease of conversation and Amber’s nurturing demeanor. As your love progressed, you both learned that God’s plan is not always obvious, and that relationships are not always easy, they take hard work and perseverance. But even after several years apart, you found your way back to each other. What a true testament to your enduring love and commitment." Monique and Amber exchanged vows overlooking the beautiful coastal community of Ventura, California at Serra Cross on an overcast Sunday evening surrounded by an intimate group of friends and family. It was truly a team effort to put the wedding together as we all pitched in to set up the overhead tent, the dining table and track down the caterer but it was a great way for us all to feel comfortable with each other and get to know one another! Once the set up was finished, we gathered around the base of the cross and began the ceremony with a small prayer.

Their Christian ceremony included their personal touches of expressing their own vows to each other, a sand unity ceremony of peach and white sand and a Bible scripture near and dear to their hearts from the Book of Ruth: “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.”

It was a beautiful day, filled with love and joy. It was such a pleasure to get to know Amber and Monique, both as individuals and as a couple. Amber, a beautiful, strong-willed woman who knew what she wanted. I admired her determination and tremendous love for Monique, making sure I announced she could "Kiss her bride" in the ceremony. Although Monique came off less tenacious, her warmth and genuine personality became her most distinguishing traits. Together, you could see the love radiate from them both as they spoke of their journey together, through the ups and downs, and their hopes and dreams for the future. The soft touches as Amber would reach over and hold Monique's hand and how when they left, they would pull each other close as they walked along.

It was such an honor and a privilege to be a part of Amber and Monique's wedding. Special thanks to Altar Image Photography for the wonderful moments captured.
